Marcel is an adorable one-inch-tall shell who ekes out a colorful existence with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan. Once part of a sprawling community of shells, they now live alone as the sole survivors of a mysterious tragedy. But when a documentary filmmaker discovers them amongst the clutter of his Airbnb, the short film he posts online brings Marcel millions of passionate fans, as well as unprecedented dangers and a new hope at finding his long-lost family. A beloved character gets his big-screen debut in this hilarious and heartwarming story about finding connection in the smallest corners.
"Marcel the Shell is the hero the world needs. The fragile little adventurer can teach us something powerful about navigating obstacles with with grace." - Shirley Le (The Atlantic)
"A feature-length expansion of the viral short film, it represents a genre unto itself: half live-action, half stop-motion animation, all captured in a faux-documentary style. It has a heart as big as its title character is small. You will cry, your children will cry, and the theatre workers cleaning up your mess during the credits will probably cry, too." - Barry Hertz (The Globe & Mail)
"'Marcel the Shell with Shoes On' will make your spirit soar and remind you to enjoy those you love, inhale a bit of fresh air, and respect the earth every second as though it were your very first time." - Carla Renata (