Relying on stop motion animation, My Life as a Zucchini (Ma Vie de Courgette), Claude Barras charming children tale, was the opener of the Directors Fortnight series at the 2016 Cannes Film Fest. Oscar-Nominated for Best Animated Film (Feature).
When his alcoholic mother suddenly dies, Icare, a nine-year-old boy whose nickname is Zucchini (Gaspard Schlatter), is befriended by a police officer, Raymond (Michel Vuillermoz), who brings him to an orphanage.
Although at first Zucchini finds it a struggle to fit into this new, strange and sometimes hostile environment, he eventually makes friends with the other boys and falls for one of the girls, called Camille (Sixtine Murat). With Raymond's help, Zucchini eventually learns to trust and love, as he searches for a new family of his own.
Based on the 2002 novel "Autobiographie d'une courgette" (Autobiography of a Zucchini) by Gilles Paris.