In the treacherous frontier city of Samurai Town, a ruthless bank robber (Nicolas Cage) is sprung from jail by wealthy warlord The Governor (Bill Moseley), whose adopted granddaughter Bernice (Sofia Boutella) has gone missing. The Governor offers the prisoner his freedom in exchange for retrieving the runaway. Strapped into a leather suit that will self-destruct within five days, the bandit sets off on a journey to find the young woman--and his own path to redemption.
"Prisoners of the Ghostland, starring a whacked-out Nicolas Cage, is exciting, wild, bold, and joyfully ridiculous -- pretty much what you expect from a Sion Sono film." - Popmatters
"Prisoners of the Ghostland is a mind-bending experience that blends together western and eastern influences to create a strange amalgamation that actually manages to work. Once you accept and embrace its absurdity, you will have a lot of fun." - One Room With a View
"Sono's first English language feature is a triumph for bizarro cinema." - Bloody Disgusting