Seeing Through the Wall: Meeting Ourselves in Palestine & Israel

Seeing through the Wall is not a history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1948, with all its moral complexities and tragic suffering on both sides, but a look at the present everyday life of Palestinians. It invites and challenges viewers to question their own assumptions and prejudices.

This documentary follows 18 Americans and Jews visiting Israel and Palestine as they seek to understand what life is like in Palestine / Occupied Territories and in East Jerusalem. The journey becomes an intense encounter with the people they meet, and also with their own preconceptions. For many of them, the experience is transformative.

For twelve days they tour Israel and Palestine with the intention of listening and learning. They meet with Israelis and Palestinians, and witness what life is like for Palestinians under occupation. They learn about the situation of Palestinians who are citizens of Israel and meet with Israeli and Palestinian activists who are working for peace.

"I wanted Americans, and American Jews in particular, to have the opportunity to meet and get to know some Palestinians as human beings, just like themselves, with the same hopes and fears and dreams." Rabbi Dov Taylor, tour leader.

“This is a very moving film – good both on an intellectual level and on a heart level. I think it will spark good discussion. It is a solid and tender and really a stirring piece of work that is much needed at this time.”
—Simon Dennis, Center for Transformational Practice



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