“In The Sower (Le Semeur), director Julie Perron casts a slow and speculative gaze on seed cultivator Patrice Fortier, creating a particularly Canadian landscape portrait.
“Unlike Perron’s other documentaries, with this work she wanted to expand her scope and planned on travelling to examine the issue on a global scale. Then, by chance, she met Patrice Fortier, a seed cultivator in the Kamouraska Valley region of Quebec. Perron suddenly found herself immersed in Fortier’s world.
“The Sower is not just a portrait of a man, but also of a landscape. With its sweeping fields and richly coloured foliage, the Kamouraska Valley is intensely beautiful, and Perron shoots it as such. This stylistic decision is not merely aesthetic, as it also casts Fortier’s world in a different, sometimes uncanny, light. Perron distorts reality by toying with close-ups, giving micro seeds a macro presence or emphasizing the otherworldly quality of a ripe kumquat. In these moments, Perron finds the surreal in reality and turns fact into science fiction.
“With The Sower, Perron was also keen on challenging her audience. Seed cultivation in rural Quebec is by no means a sexy subject and one that is rooted in a quiet, now thought to be antiquated, way of life. For like Fortier, The Sower is slow and patient.”- POV Magazine