“Wayne (Mike Myers) and Garth (Dana Carvey), the scruffy, suburban-metal-head heroes of Wayne’s World, exist in a happy myopic daze: Whatever happens in their lives, they experience it as if they were watching it on television. When Wayne tells a joke he especially likes, he turns to his listener and breaks into a big, bedazzled grin of silence — a freeze-frame. He isn’t laughing, exactly; he’s signifying laughter. They’re ’70s burnouts who get stoned on pop culture.
“The movie, which is set in Aurora, Ill., is about how Wayne and Garth get a chance to move their cable show to a ritzy Chicago station. Can they avoid selling out? Can Wayne stop their yuppie-slimedog manager (Rob Lowe) from stealing his new girlfriend?
“Wayne’s World gives Myers and Carvey a chance to do inspired riffs on characters we know well. Myers, like Martin Short, works in his own lyrical stratosphere. There’s a joyousness to him that’s almost childlike. Dana Carvey’s horn-rimmed, Ritalin- taking Garth — a computer nerd trying to pass as a rock & roller — is the nervous ego to Wayne’s ecstatic id.” - Entertainment Weekly, 1992