Friday January 11 to Thursday January 17, 2013


FILMS SHOWING THIS WEEK - Friday Jan 11 to Thursday Jan 17
Hyde Park On Hudson

Opens January 11 at the Princess Twin

In June 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Bill Murray) and his wife Eleanor (Olivia Williams) host the King and Queen of England (Samuel West and Olivia Colman) for a weekend at the Roosevelt home at Hyde Park on Hudson, in upstate New York - the first-ever visit of a reigning English monarch to America.

No screenings currently scheduled.


OSCAR WINNER - BEST PICTURE, BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY, BEST EDITING - At the height of the Iranian revolution in 1979, Islamist militants storm the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 52 Americans hostage.

No screenings currently scheduled.


Oscar Nominee! 12. Best Picture; Actor; Supporting Actor & Actress; Director; Cinematography; Editing; more...

GOLDEN GLOBE WINNER - Best Actor, Daniel Day-Lewis

No screenings currently scheduled.

Anna Karenina

Oscar Nominee! 4. Best Cinematography; Production Design; Costume Design; Original Score.

Director Joe Wright reteams with Keira Knightley for this version of Anna Karenina, which boasts a script by Tom Stoppard. Knightley stars as the title character, a Russian woman who cheats on her respected husband (Jude Law) with a young soldier (Aaron Johnson) and suffers greatly for her betrayal.

No screenings currently scheduled.


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Does hell exist? If so, who ends up there, and why? Featuring an eclectic group of authors, theologians, pastors, social commentators and musicians, “Hellbound?” is a provocative, feature-length documentary that will ensure you never look at hell the same way again! Coming to theaters in Fall 2012.

No screenings currently scheduled.

The Fruit Hunters

HotDocs Presents

Robin Smith, head programmer of the Bloor HotDocs Cinema will introduce this screening.

No screenings currently scheduled.


GOLDEN GLOBE WINNER - Best Original Song

No screenings currently scheduled.

The World Before Her

“Extreme choices and attitudes confronting women in India are laid bare in Nisha Pahuja’s quietly shocking film, the Best Canadian Feature winner at Hot Docs 2012.

No screenings currently scheduled.

Cloud Atlas

No screenings currently scheduled.

Oscar Nominee! Best Original Song.

“Aesthetics and eco-advocacy are a perfect match in Chasing Ice, a documentary so stuffed with eye-soothing images one prays it can seduce a climate-change skeptic or two.

No screenings currently scheduled.

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