COVID-19. Our personal response
March 13, 2020
The health and safety of our community and customers is first and foremost in our minds. Be assured that even prior to the WHO categorizing COVID-19 as a pandemic, we were already increasing our cleaning protocol at the Playhouse.
We are keeping up-to-date with the current state of COVID-19 in Ontario via Ontario Telehealth and following government directives.
This is what we are doing to keep our staff and patrons safe:
• sanitizing high-contact areas inside the theatre auditorium multiple times daily
• staff are incorporating best-hygiene practices, including frequent and effective hand-washing, use of hand sanitizers and wearing gloves when cleaning theatres.
• staff are disinfecting high touch surfaces and areas throughout the cinema continuously during their shifts
• we have hand sanitizers for our patrons' use
• we have posted several signs throughout the cinema reminding patrons of best hygiene practices.
How you can help:
• If you are feeling unwell or have travelled outside of Canada recently and have coronavirus symptoms, please contact Ontario Telehealth and stay home.
• when coming to the Playhouse, consider using debit rather than cash
• deposit your garbage into our trash and recycling bins, rather than leaving it behind for staff to pick up
• Use best-hygiene practices yourself. Carry hand sanitizers with you for those moments when a sink isn't available.
Social Distancing:
• Unlike the big multiplexes, at a single-screen cinema it is relatively rare to have large masses of people at the box office, especially now, during the slower early spring season. As a smaller cinema, it also is easy for us to keep it clean.
• If you want to see a movie at the Playhouse, we suggest you come early, to give yourself plenty of time to get served. In the lobby and theatre, you should give yourself space between other patrons. Also, consider buying tickets online in advance. You simply have to show your printed ticket at the box office.
• As an independent art-house, the masses typically are not flocking to our small, local cinema to see our specialized fare. The reality is, at a typical screening, a fraction of those seats are occupied. Generally, it is easy to socially distance yourself! At the same time, some of our screenings are very popular, so we intend to decrease the capacity of seats we sell: that is, we will put a cap on the number of tickets we sell for any one screening, so that none of our screenings exceed 50% capacity.
Going Forward:
In the days and weeks ahead, we may have announcements about postponements of some special events where we would expect larger crowds. Meanwhile, rather than decreasing the number of showtimes we offer for patrons, we may offer more showtimes for our guests, in order to give people more choice. Weekday matinees are lightly attended, and would be a good option for those wanting to see a movie and enjoy normal life! We will put more time between shows, so our staff can focus on cleaning and best hygiene service for our patrons.
We will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation in Hamilton and respond accordingly, with the health and safety of us all top of mind.
Thank-you for your continued patronage. We deeply appreciate the support. Together, we will get through this, as it too, shall pass. Stay strong (and keep clean) Hamilton!