An expansive Russian drama, this film focuses on the life of revered religious icon painter Andrei Rublev (Anatoliy Solonitsyn). Drifting from place to place in a tumultuous era, the peace-seeking monk eventually gains a reputation for his art. But after Rublev witnesses a brutal battle and unintentionally becomes involved, he takes a vow of silence and spends time away from his work. As he begins to ease his troubled soul, he takes steps towards becoming a painter once again.
Screened as part of our Talking Pictures series! Join filmmaker Terrance Odette and film programmer Wendy Guymer-Tutt for a post-screening discussion.
"It evinces a complex understanding of spirituality and faith that would inform all of Andrei Tarkovsky's subsequent films." - Slant Magazine
"It is not a film that needs to be processed or even understood, only experienced and wondered at." - The Guardian
"It's Tarkovsky's lighter touches, coupled with his majestic vision, that makes Andrei Rublev such compulsive viewing some 25 years after its original release." - Empire Magazine