In the absurdist autobiographically-inspired dark comedy, a painfully unfunny aspiring clown (Vera Drew as Joker the Harlequin) grapples with her gender identity while unsuccessfully attempting to join the ranks of Gotham City's sole comedy program in a world where comedy has been outlawed. Uniting with a ragtag team of rejects and misfits, Joker the Harlequin forms an illegal anti-comedy troupe that puts her on a collision course with the devious caped crusader controlling the city.
"Not only is it damn funny, with each of the lines delivered by a dynamic Drew landing perfectly, but it’s a genuinely incisive work of cinematic reflection that's the exact type of kick in the pants the often empty genre could use." -The Stranger
"The People’s Joker is a fearless, gloriously funny, and moving act of cinematic anarchy." -Austin Chronicle