“This magnificent sequel, the centerpiece of director Francis Ford Coppola and writer Mario Puzo's 20th Century gangster saga, is still one of the most ambitious and brilliantly executed American films, a landmark work from one of Hollywood's top cinema eras.
“Coppola's epic of violence and remembrance, with the past and present juxtaposed constantly throughout, carries us from the Sicilian childhood of Don Vito Corleone (the role Marlon Brando ceded to Robert De Niro) to the evil maturity of his dark prince son Michael (Al Pacino). It's definitely an American masterpiece. With Robert Duvall as Tom Hagen, Diane Keaton as Kay, John Cazale as Fredo, Talia Shire as Connie, James Caan as Sonny (in the brief coda), Lee Strasberg as Hyman Roth and Michael V. Gazzo as Frankie Pentangeli.” - Chicago Tribune
"It’s an epic vision of the corruption of America." - Pauline Kael
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