The Sweet East

A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.

The Sweet East is a picaresque journey through the cities and woods of the Eastern seaboard of the United States undertaken by Lillian, a high school senior from South Carolina who gets her first glimpse of the wider world on a class trip to Washington, D.C. Separated from her schoolmates, she embarks on a fractured fairy tale travelogue into America, where she is granted access to a variety of the strange factions that proliferate the present-day unreality of contemporary life.

"Shot in a way reminiscent of classic ’70s cinema while commenting on the woes of the contemporary, Williams builds a timely film that still feels timeless, an expansive chronicling of a slice of America ripe for many a rewatch." -The Playlist 

"It’s a well-made, purposefully ugly treatise of America as a broken-down theme park."


No screenings currently scheduled.

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